Praneet Pabolu bio photo

Praneet Pabolu

Deep Learning | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | Data Science

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A Breif About Me

I’m a Machine Learning and Deep Learning Practitioner with 7+ years of experience in Generative AI, NLP, Large Language Models(LLMs), Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning and Multi-Modal Models. I’ve also filed 7 US Patents in Generative AI space as part of my current & previous works as an Applied Data Scientist. I love working on all areas of Deep Learning, whether it is Language, Vision or Speech. I’m always keen to keep myself updated with the latest advancements in our ever-evolving and rapidly changing world.

Furthermore, being a Meetup enthusiast, I enjoy attending and giving talks at local and international meetups on Artificial Intelligence. Navigate here to find my latest talk at Metvy. In my free time you can find me solving puzzles, watching Ted-Ed videos, traveling, hiking and exploring new places.

Please take a look at the links provided on the left to know more about me, my experiences, internships, projects and certifications.